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3 posts tagged with "organization"

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· One min read

Define and manage usage rules at the main organization level that are applicable to SIMs from a given sub-organization.

What’s new?

It's now possible to define and manage usage rules at the main organization level that are applicable to SIMs from a given sub-organization. These rule definitions will not be visible to the sub-organization users but the triggered rule will be visible at the SIM level.

In the Usage Rule creation, the "Sub-Organization" option is now available for selection. The second step is to select the Sub-Organization from the drop-box:


· One min read

Confirmation pop-up window will be displayed when a SIM is Retired.

What’s new?

Retire SIM - Change the SIM Status to Retired it's an irreversible action and the SIM will no longer have service. To avoid mistakes a confirmation pop-up is presented every time SIM is moved to Retired and the user have the option to cancel the operation:


· 2 min read

Limit the number of topups in organizations with prepaid plans. Reviewed sub-organization permissions logic. Improved emails with attachments.

What’s new?

  • Prepaid topup limit - Organizations with a prepaid business model and with the ability to top up SIMs with a new rateplan can now limit the number of top ups for all SIMs from sub-organizations which allows to control costs automatically. Each sub-organization can now have a limit on the number of top-ups per rateplan otherwise it will be unlimited.

sub_organizations_list_manage_topups Manage top up action in Sub organizations menu

sub_organizations_set_topup_limits Set limit per rateplan

These organizations can also check their existing top up limits in the sub-organization details page:

sub_organizations_topup_limit_information Sub-organization details page

More details on Sub-organizations section.

What’s fixed or improved?

  • Organization permissions - Sub-organizations have a set of permissions that can be set at any time and are used to manage the access of sub-organization users to some features. Some of these permissions can influence the configuration and outcome of event and usage rules and we have reviewed this logic so that rules can act accordingly.
    More details on Rules section.

  • Email communications - We have improved our email dispatching process to make it more resilient when attaching files to this communication type. We have also took the opportunity to review some of the existing email templates to make them more aligned with the 1GLOBAL brand.
