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4 posts tagged with "sim status"

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· One min read

Confirmation pop-up window will be displayed when a SIM is Retired.

What’s new?

Retire SIM - Change the SIM Status to Retired it's an irreversible action and the SIM will no longer have service. To avoid mistakes a confirmation pop-up is presented every time SIM is moved to Retired and the user have the option to cancel the operation:


· One min read

General improvements on the SIM list and SIM service status.

What’s fixed or improved?

  • SIM List - We fixed an issue on the SIM list feature that was occuring when sorting the list by data usage amount. The list is now being sorted correctly in an ascending or descending order.

  • SIM Service Status - There was an issue affecting some SIMs in a suspended status that was allowing SIMs to still send or receive SMSs which is now fixed and working as intended.

· One min read

We have improved the change SIM status flow by removing the transactional states ("Moving to*") and by applying the changes immediately.

What’s fixed or improved?

  • Change SIM status immediately - The SIM status flow was improved execute this type of changes immediately and without a transactional "Moving to *" state. With this, the change status flow has a better SLA and is more resilient. More details on SIM Life-cycle section.

  • Duplicate pre-active options - We removed a duplicate "Pre-Active" entry in the SIM status dropdown filter in the SIM list. More details on SIM List section.

· One min read

We updated IoT Portal to fix an issue on the API to get SIM details.

What’s fixed or improved?

  • Get SIM details APIs - IoT Portal APIs to get SIM details including its current status was returning a wrong status value when a SIM was in Pre-Active state. According to the IoT Portal API documentation for the three available versions (v2.0, v2.1 and v2.2) of the API to get SIMs, the expected value for a Pre-Active SIM is "PRE-ACTIVE" but the API was returning "PRE_ACTIVE". This was fixed and the API is working again as described in the documentation.