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· One min read

Define and manage usage rules at the main organization level that are applicable to SIMs from a given sub-organization.

What’s new?

It's now possible to define and manage usage rules at the main organization level that are applicable to SIMs from a given sub-organization. These rule definitions will not be visible to the sub-organization users but the triggered rule will be visible at the SIM level.

In the Usage Rule creation, the "Sub-Organization" option is now available for selection. The second step is to select the Sub-Organization from the drop-box:


· One min read

Confirmation pop-up window will be displayed when a SIM is Retired.

What’s new?

Retire SIM - Change the SIM Status to Retired it's an irreversible action and the SIM will no longer have service. To avoid mistakes a confirmation pop-up is presented every time SIM is moved to Retired and the user have the option to cancel the operation:


· One min read

Manage Top-Ups: possible to know how many top-ups were already used.

What’s new?

  • Manage Top Ups - counter with the number of already used top-ups per sub-organization and plan. In this example the selected sub-organization has a total of 100 top-ups for the "Test - global prepaid - 500mb - 5years" plan. From those 100 top-ups a total of 23 were already used, meaning that there are still 77 top-ups available (100-23):


  • Rate Plan Activation Report - new column named "Top-up" available in the CSV report export file. This column inform if that rateplan activation is a result of a top-up or not:


· One min read

Usage and event rules now support multiple notification emails.

What’s new?

  • Multiple notification emails - Users now have the possibility of configuring multiple email addresses in both event and usage rules. This way, users won't have to configure duplicate rules to notify multiple users at the same time.

rules_step5_multiple_emails Support for multiple notification emails in rules

More details on the rules section.

· One min read

We change the default prepaid top-up limit to 0 (before was unlimited) and delivered general improvements.

What’s new?

  • Default prepaid top-up limit - Organizations with a prepaid business model and with the ability to top up SIMs will now have the possibility to go directly to the Manage Top-ups page from the sub-organization creation page. Also, we changed the default top-up limit per plan to be zero instead of unlimited which will enable a better control on the connectivity allowance per SIM or sub-organization.

sub_organizations_topup_limit_information Save and manage top-ups on sub-organization creation page

What’s fixed or improved?

  • Rate Plans on SIM Details page - Users with a Tech User role don't have permissions to check the rateplan history of a SIM and, even though they could not access this information, a link to that page was available in the SIM details page of each SIM. This was causing some confusion to the users and we have removed the buton from the page.

· One min read

General improvements on the SIM list and SIM service status.

What’s fixed or improved?

  • SIM List - We fixed an issue on the SIM list feature that was occuring when sorting the list by data usage amount. The list is now being sorted correctly in an ascending or descending order.

  • SIM Service Status - There was an issue affecting some SIMs in a suspended status that was allowing SIMs to still send or receive SMSs which is now fixed and working as intended.

· One min read

Split the SMS history feature from the Send SMS menu. New location updates events are also now available.

What’s new?

  • Location updates - The location updates screen, available from the SIM details page, was only listing updates based on usage which means that if a SIM card opened a session but didn't generate any payload then no update would be visible. With this change, all location updates will be visible on this screen.

  • SMS history - The SMS history menu was split from the Send SMS one and now has its own entry under "SIM Cards" on the left menu bar of the IoT Portal. With this, both menus are now more accessible and faster to load.


· One min read

We have improved the change SIM status flow by removing the transactional states ("Moving to*") and by applying the changes immediately.

What’s fixed or improved?

  • Change SIM status immediately - The SIM status flow was improved execute this type of changes immediately and without a transactional "Moving to *" state. With this, the change status flow has a better SLA and is more resilient. More details on SIM Life-cycle section.

  • Duplicate pre-active options - We removed a duplicate "Pre-Active" entry in the SIM status dropdown filter in the SIM list. More details on SIM List section.

· One min read

We have improved the usability on some of the features.

What’s fixed or improved?

  • SIM card notifications - The SIM card notifications screen was not displaying correctly when the SIM had a notification for SMS service suspension. This has been improved to list all notifications correctly.
    More details on Notifications section.

  • Select countries for rules - In the flow for creating or modifying an event rule with a "New country/network" trigger, users were facing an issue after filtering for a country (from the list of available countries) and trying to move it to the selected countries list, frequently a different country was moved instead. This section of the rule flow was improved to always move the selected country.

  • Filter by date calendar in SMS History - The date picker filter option from the SMS history screen was being displayed with a transparent background which made it harder for users to select a date. We have already fixed this and users can now see the date picker correctly.


· 2 min read

Limit the number of topups in organizations with prepaid plans. Reviewed sub-organization permissions logic. Improved emails with attachments.

What’s new?

  • Prepaid topup limit - Organizations with a prepaid business model and with the ability to top up SIMs with a new rateplan can now limit the number of top ups for all SIMs from sub-organizations which allows to control costs automatically. Each sub-organization can now have a limit on the number of top-ups per rateplan otherwise it will be unlimited.

sub_organizations_list_manage_topups Manage top up action in Sub organizations menu

sub_organizations_set_topup_limits Set limit per rateplan

These organizations can also check their existing top up limits in the sub-organization details page:

sub_organizations_topup_limit_information Sub-organization details page

More details on Sub-organizations section.

What’s fixed or improved?

  • Organization permissions - Sub-organizations have a set of permissions that can be set at any time and are used to manage the access of sub-organization users to some features. Some of these permissions can influence the configuration and outcome of event and usage rules and we have reviewed this logic so that rules can act accordingly.
    More details on Rules section.

  • Email communications - We have improved our email dispatching process to make it more resilient when attaching files to this communication type. We have also took the opportunity to review some of the existing email templates to make them more aligned with the 1GLOBAL brand.
